Just clubs. The chief problem with the DJ douche is he likes the idea of being a DJ more than he likes music. I hired a private investigator to help find out what was going on. Meanwhile theres a line of 10 people waiting to order. Look around you! else output += unescape(l[i]); And when ever you can afford to do some travel, visit some of these Countries that you trash with your vulgar vocabulary, so you can understand the type of person that you are, and what a pathetic world you live in. The track leads the campaign for his '11:11' album. surfsiderider 22. If youre a doctor, the UM and Baptist medical programs are the best in the country. else output += unescape(l[i]); Much more civilized place. A communist. says: Best thing to do is to live and work in an area less than two hours away from Miami where the jobs are better, rent is lower and income is higher, then visit Miami for a night or two every year. I moved here from Lima, Peru (against my will) and always felt so negative about the disgusting place Miami is. The main difference between Miami and the U.S./Mexico border is that more people on the U.S./Mexico border speak and understand English than they do in Miami. Alena People who have lived all or most of their lives in Miami seem oblivious to the fact that they are paying a lot more for things than the rest of the country is. (8) If you need financial stance. .besides im not going anywhere. I recommend anyone who is in my old situation to try him because he will help you and make things be the way it ought to be. For those of who expect more, and actively create a better world, accepting this level of strife, crime and stupidity is not a positive attribute. I can only agree with about 40% of this article. Miamians are dumb. Cubans, are not stupid they are however, very inventive, they always find a way to survive and make something, from nothing. Jane (JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) Everything else sucks in Miami. (JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) Miami is full of incredible people with amazing stories and you can learn a lot from everyone you meet if you treat them with the dignity and respect they deserve. Its who your circle of friends are that make your experience! Youve insulted way too many people. document.getElementById('eeEncEmail_eZWRdgLJ2o').innerHTML = output; Get over yourselves!!! Talking about transplants, immigrants are the transplants not the Americans that live here and want to move around within their own states!!!!! The living conditions are horrible. http://www.jstor.org/pss/40553063, 180 out of 200 in driver safety: 2nd dumbest Don't take your TV as fact. As far as Americans are concerned, its all one and the same, much like weve been lumped into the giant white category. What more could possible be wrong here? Mainstream Americans have told me they prefer to bypass Miami on the highway on their way to-and-from the more American, Florida Keys. NO . This really is the most accurate article about Miami Ive ever read! document.getElementById('eeEncEmail_wlTAKJN8DJ').innerHTML = output; Ive heard that comment from friends, family, here, and tons of other posts from folks in Miami or were there. I wanna tell you that you need not to worry because i have a good news for those out there that are faced or similar to such situation because there is always a hope and a solution to all problem. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/18665115/ns/health-mental_health/t/miami-drivers-have-worst-road-rage/#.TqnYZEOImU8, Highest ranking in medicare fraud: Dont expect a stranger to say thank you if you do something nice for them, they act like your supposed to do that, again entitlement. That pissed me off so much I stopped hanging out with them. In just 3 days, my husband came back to me. People are horrible drivers (generally), and insurance premiums are exorbitant (health, car, and home). Haiti Cuba 14. for (var i = l.length-1; i >= 0; i=i-1){ >chuckled to myself, Another poor white guy venting about how frustrated he is living in a place that doesnt look and feel like the midwest or dirty south. Nick says: omg this article is perfect, Im from Miami and I hate it down there, yet I love its weather and beaches, yes yes.my never ending inner struggle. says: Miami showcases a legion of dumbshits, on a good day. There are areas in Miami that do have potential and are much better than in the 90s. Are you a voracious reader? Oh btw, have you guys smelled a Cuban house inside. Anthony I felt like my life has come to an end, and i almost committed suicide, i was emotionally down for a very long time, but thanks to this spell caster called Great Baba whom i met online after my friend Paul Tricia told me how he also helped her to bring back her husband in less than 2 days. Its population is mostly Hispanic ! Hialeah rules is a typical description of doldrums in comparison with other expedite cities. Corporate America pays bad salaries to us, for the same old reason: Discrimination and racism. // for (var i = l.length-1; i >= 0; i=i-1){ Golden Panther in the Midwest 1. It is what it is i suppose. Why thank you. The Atlanta Hawks will take on the Miami Heat on 3/4/23. or call him via his mobile number +2347060458352. One economist used an analogy, In the development of Miami, amazing as it has been already, think of it as a teenager compared to what it will become in the next thirty years. So, if you are stuck in a town, county, city, or state elsewhere, with slow or no growth prospects, be assured that Miami will continue to grow economically. var l=new Array(); Lastly, for those saying that anyone who loves Miami has never lived elsewhere Ive lived in Europe, D.C., and New York. So. says: Anyone thinking about moving to Miami should read this!!!!!!!!!! Yay! And raggaetone sounds like spear chukking music. know what to do .he moved out of the house and abandoned the kids so someone var output = ''; High crime, medicare and auto insurance fraud have consequences that accrue on other individuals. Frank Rachel document.getElementById('eeEncEmail_dFbyawnu8P').innerHTML = output; var output = ''; (JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) . } Seriously? Spectacular sunset is correct. Midwesterners are known for being friendly but if you go to Chicago, people can be inconsiderate sometimes. I suggest you go back to elementary / high school and educate your self on geography & world history. I have a friend who is a principal here and she told me that the majority of her Latin students graduate without being 100% proficient in English or Spanish. 9. All I can say is that 10 years ago I was praying to get out of Miami, I called it a cesspool. To assert that people dont speak English, whenever you try to order something at a fast food joint, is ridiculous. Got a massive closet? I am under 53 but my brother is 65, so go figure. //]]> (15) Stop your marriage or relationship from breaking apart. And for all you haters, other states laugh at all of you here in Miami, they say bring your passport and your flag so you remember you still live in the U.S, what you Miami natives dont realize is the rest of the US speak English! 7. I know they grew up in America, because I went to school with them! I suggest you revise your means of assessing intelligence. Miami is full of people who are vain and fake. once again his email address is (. But as someone who has lived in Miami for 25 years, in areas spanning from Hialeah to Kendall, I can attest that these statements are based on truths. As for the author of this article and others that are saying that this article is humorous and witty, you are idiots. When individuals with a college education cant fiugre out how to make the kind of living they seek, but people that dont have the college education find a way, it begs for the question Whos the dumb one again?. local news and culture, Kyle Munzenrieder I lived and worked in South Beach for 5 years. (6) You want to be rich. Lol but, let me tell you a couple of things you marginal execrable obese cretin. However, I did notice one thing in all these 6 years living here. Unless one can afford to live in a nicer/civilized part of miami/miami beach, that place is hell on earth. Just like third world people in Miami, they bring their mongrel families with them, making the problem even worse. at anytime and just visit GREATBABAOFSOLUTION.blogspot.com and see so many people testifying about his good and wonderful work.