Version 5.1.7 ( Dec 1 , 2016 )

  1. Changed : Backend Template
  2. Added : New Frontend Template
  3. Added : RestApi Client Editor
  4. Added : New Frontend Template
  5. Fixed : Username Field on registration
  6. Fixed : Send Email system using Swift Mail
  7. Enhance : Some translation layout
  8. Fixed : Subform validation , subform access , subform update
  9. Enhance : Script at sixmo.php model support up to 1 million rows
  10. Enhance : Foreign key master detail , not have to be same
  11. Enhance : Filter Limit rows Download Option ( Ajax Plugins )
  12. added : Download PDF ( Ajax Plugins )
  13. added : Print Page on view detail ( Ajax Plugins )
  14. Fixed : error when submit empty value for multiselect ( Ajax Plugins )
  15. Fixed : multiupload validation for image and files

Version 5.1.6 ( Oct 10 , 2016 )

  1. Copy/Clone Module
  2. Fixed : unformated reset password page
  3. Fixed : unordered view and form
  4. Added : Formatter for multiple select with database
  5. Added : Prev and Next row on view detail and form
  6. Added : New method onSearch()
  7. Fixed : Auto insert CreatedOn and UpdatedOn
  8. Enhancement : Notification page
  9. New Static Page system Beta
  10. Integrated Post/Article system Beta
  11. Form Generator Beta

Version 5.1.5 ( May 25 , 2016 )

  1. Fix Issue at filemanager
  2. Enhance : Template
  3. Add Expand view detail at master detail
  4. New : Separator Menu

Version 5.1.4 Revision Version ( May 2 , 2016 )

  1. Add Switch module while editing module
  2. Enhance : Rebuild with ajax load
  3. Enhance : Prevent routes error when working with composer
  4. Enhance : code to work with php 7
  5. Add : Format Files/Download to table grid and view detail
  6. Add : Format Checkbox/Radio to table grid and view detail
  7. Fixed : Small Issue for checkbox input
  8. Enhance : some template backend
  9. Fixed : Remove current files/images

Version 5.1.4 Reload Changelog ( April 15 , 2016 )

  1. Enchance : added login ajax
  2. Enchance : added 4 dashboard template
  3. Enchance : filter avatar upload ( only jpg ,jpeg,png,bmp,gif )
  4. Enchance : filter File upload ( only zip ,xls,xlsx,doc,docx )
  5. Enchance : add mapping from search result
  6. Enchance : New dashboard template
  7. Fixed : Search date range issue
  8. New Feature : Frontend Form Generator
  9. New Feature : Source Code editor for generated module
  10. New Feature : Source Code editor for Whole Files
  11. Fix : Add fieldLang function into SiteHelpers
  12. Free Bonus 4 Module ( Calendar , Blog , FAQ Management , Sximo Forum )
  13. Add ability to remove sub form

Version 5.1.4 Changelog ( April 5 , 2016 )

  1. Enchance : set default page ( Page CMS )
  2. Enchance : Controller function getShow() function
  3. Fixed : Notification filter for spesific users
  4. Fixed : notification status label ('success') when error ( Sitehelpers , function showNotification() )
  5. Fixed : External menu at level 3
  6. Added : New feature integrated Frontend Grid
  7. Added : New setting for mail
  8. Added : New setting for global date format
  9. Fixed : Issue on keeping cookie session
  10. Enchance : Flow process and logical master detail
  11. Added : new feature unlimited master detail view
  12. Added : New subform ( master detail form )
  13. Added : Default Date Format
  14. Added : Format Date for GRID Row
  15. Added : Link Format for GRID Row
  16. Fixed : unremoved file pages when deleteing page list ( Page CMS )

Version 5.1.3 Changelog ( August 17 , 2015 )

  1. enhancement : Filter view column and form from spesific USER ID
  2. Fixed : Remove view core module from code builder page
  3. enhancement : Add new advance search feature
  4. Fixed : Overlapping menu buttons in File Manager
  5. enhancement : Only insecure passwords allowed
  6. Fixed : Error creating module with custom MySQL Statment
  7. Fixed uploading avatar on users module bug

Version 5.1.2 Changelog ( July 28 , 2015 )

  1. Fixed : View home page from page CMS admin
  2. Fixed : Zip package issue #9
  3. Fixed : Page CMS Module issue
  4. Fixed : error while save users
  5. Fixed : Link Icon from menus
  6. New Feature : Notification System

Version 5.1.1 Changelog ( July 4 , 2015 )

  1. Fixed : Group module ( action delete issue ) bug
  2. Fixed : Captcha register issue
  3. Fixed : Error while extract source on windows OS bug
  4. Fixed : Page CMS Theme issue bug
  5. Fixed : Contoller Report issue bug
  6. Fixed : Nested select combo issue bug
  7. Fixed : static page not working on window OS

Version 5.1 LTS Changelog

  1. Migrate Script to Laravel version 5.1 LTS
  2. Added : 3 Type of module generator
  3. Added : Database Table management
  4. Added : 3 Option color schema
  5. Added : Personal Filemanager
  6. Enhancement : added folder structur for Core and Sximo
  7. Enhancement : Default Format Date
  8. Enhancement : Online Users
  9. Enhancement : Remember Me login
  10. Enhancement : Databse session driver
  11. Enhancement : Metakey & Metadesc ( Page CMS )
  12. Added : Blocked IP Address
  13. Added : Allowed IP Address
  14. More Feature coming soon ....

Version 3.1 Changelog

  1. fixed : dropdown Issue on column search #2
  2. Fixed : Reset Password issue #5
  3. Fixed : Missing assignment $message value for register when auto activation #14
  4. Fixed : Add icon to submenu ( menu management ) #16
  5. Fixed : Little issue @ Email template #18
  6. Fixed : TextArea automatically added paragraf #33
  7. Fixed : Error select combo filter #35
  8. Fixed : frontend multilang menu and link issue for submenu #39
  9. Fixed : error while remove data if no rows selected #40
  10. Fixed : Set default languange is not working #32
  11. Enhancement : Add select option for language at login page
  12. Enhancement : add button for remove uploaded file/picture #38
  13. Enhancement : add new javascript notification #41
  14. Enhancement : Disable , enable debug mode #41
  15. Enhancement : Fix expired session error at config and module page

Version 3.0 Changelog

  1. Fixed Login Issue
  2. Fixed Some Broken link at breadcrumb issue
  3. Fixed users list on same level issue
  4. Fixed Token Missmatch issue
  5. Fixed Reset password broken link
  6. Fixed Remove module issue
  7. Removing authen required validation
  8. Fixed Public grid helpers issue
  9. Fixed Limited checkbox or radio custom value from 10 to unlimited
  10. Added new PDF library bundle ( only available for ajax add on )

Version 2.9 Changelog

  • Faster than old version
  • Fix Security issue at comboselect , combotable , combofield
  • Fix Select custom issue
  • Fix Total disabled frontend
  • Fix Master detail Add / view / filter / delete
  • Fix column Search with custom value
  • Added new feature : Select multiple ( Only for Custom value )
  • Added new feature : Form : Select display with 3 field
    ( example : title + firstname + lastname )
  • Added new feature : Grid : Select display with 3 field
    ( example : title + firstname + lastname )
  • Added New feature : New Backend Template & theme